Coś o sponsorach i naszych bliskich – bez Was wciąż byłoby to marzenie

Thank You to Our Sponsors and Loved Ones.

Today, I would like to share some interesting facts about our sponsors, friends, and the people who contributed to making this adventure possible.
Certainly, these include the families and loved ones of our crew. Just like for us, this is a unique challenge for them as well. Without their support and approval, we could only dream.
Karol once sent me a great picture, which I’m sharing below. :)

* "When is the sailing trip and for how many days?"

In addition to our families, we can’t forget about work, colleagues, and friends. We dedicate 8 hours a day to our responsibilities. Someone has to cover for us and carry out our tasks. You might think: "vacation." That’s true, but doesn’t a part of our mind always stay at work? After all, someone said that work is our second home, and I fully agree.

Friends, neighbors, buddies, acquaintances, and strangers... It’s great to know we have support. That people wish us well and good weather. Thank you!

I created this blog for everyone mentioned above. To make it more visual, you’ll be able to follow our progress and the route we take through the links below:

(*coming soon)
Now, a few words about our sponsors. Each one listed on the SPONSORS page has contributed to our voyage:

  • Albello - They helped us transport our belongings to Spain. They have great furniture! Highly recommend.
  • SailMe - We got our boat from them. It’s hard to say how long we’ve known each other, and they might lend us a gennaker as well. Highly recommend.
  • Savvy Navvy - We have their navigation program and a 20% discount for new clients. Thank you, David! The program is really good, and the support is phenomenal. I highly recommend it.
  • Garmin InReach - Unfortunately, a disappointment. Activation problems were significant, and the support didn’t meet expectations. I wonder why we even have it. Not recommended.
  • Predict Wind - Quite expensive; I’m not sure it’s worth the money spent. Still, I remain optimistic. We’ll see.
  • ErwinAuto - A name of renown. Of course, I recommend it.
  • WANT - I’ve been there, I’ve seen it. Highly recommend.
  • Fest Auto Rent a Car - If anyone is in Alicante and needs a car, no one provides better service. I guarantee it. Highly recommend.
  • Studio Reklamy Joint - I’ll take photos of the T-shirts and promotional materials and share them here. You’ll see for yourself. Highly recommend.
  • Fetim Group - I’m not sure what to say. They have an ideal employee, dedicated to his work. Nothing more. Jacek recommends.

During the preparations, we relied on the support and services of many other companies. I won’t list them here, as they didn’t contribute beyond what they were supposed to do for which we paid.

If anyone wants to get involved – we’d be happy to include the company name or logo and write a few nice words. We could use some funds for fuel, marinas, or fees, as this voyage is entirely financed from our private resources. Some even took unpaid leave for this occasion! But more on that in the next episode…
